Florida Gubernatorial Candidates Should Show Farmers Respect, Get Facts Straight

Dan Industry News Release

John S. Hundley, Vice President of family-owned Hundley Farms and President of EAA Farmers, Inc. issued the following statement: “The display at Wednesday night’s Florida Democratic gubernatorial debate was shameful. While the candidates on stage were trying to one up each other to score cheap political points by maligning Florida farmers, we were hard at work past sundown growing the food to feed …

House Committees Scheduled for Three Days

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

House committees and subcommittees could hold more than 30 meetings during the second week of October, including a meeting of the newly formed Select Committee on Hurricane Response and Preparedness, according to a schedule posted online Tuesday. The House meetings will be held Oct. 10 to Oct. 12, as lawmakers begin getting ready for the 2018 legislative session, which starts …

Caldwell Kicks Off Agriculture Commissioner Campaign

Dan Florida, Industry News Release

from: The News Service of Florida State Rep. Matt Caldwell on Monday formally launched his 2018 campaign for Florida agriculture commissioner, saying he plans to build a grass-roots campaign across the state. Caldwell, R-North Fort Myers, made the announcement at Sun Harvest Citrus in Lee County. He touted his conservative credentials and discussed his family’s deep roots in Florida. He …