Trump Responds to No Ag in EU Talks, Threatens Tariffs

Dan Trade

President Donald Trump is threatening tariffs against the European Union if the EU doesn’t bring agriculture to the trade negotiation table. Trump has threatened tariffs on European cars and auto parts imports, a move the EU has previously said it would abandon the talks over, according to Politico. The EU agreed to move forward with the trade talks earlier this …

U.S. Agriculture Disappointed in EU Trade Talks Without Ag

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. agriculture is disappointed in the European Union’s failure to include agriculture in trade talks with the United States. “Agriculture will certainly not be part of these negotiations,” European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said earlier this week while announcing the EU is ready to begin trade talks with the United States. The two sides seek an agreement before the …

Lawmakers say No to Potential EU-U.S. Trade Agreement without Agriculture

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is demanding the Trump Administration force the European Union to include agriculture in upcoming trade talks. A group of 114 lawmakers penned a letter this week to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer stating, “an agreement with the EU that does not address trade in agriculture would be, in our eyes, unacceptable.” The U.S. and EU …

Syngenta Says European Decision Takes Ag In The Wrong Direction

Dan Industry News Release

The decision by European Union member states to back the European Commission’s proposal on further restricting the use of neonicotinoids disappointed Syngenta, but it wasn’t unexpected. The company says that wasn’t the right decision for the future of agriculture or the environment in Europe. Syngenta says agriculture needs all the options it has to help farmers ensure that consumers have …

Foreign Competitors Increasing Spending on Ag Exports

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Foreign countries that compete with the U.S. for world market share are increasing their spending on promoting ag exports. Several countries, as well as the European Union, spent close to $1 billion in public funds on ag export promotion in 2016. Studies are showing those countries outspent the U.S. 4 to 1. That’s a 70 percent increase in competitive public …

EU to Lists Objections to Bayer-Monsanto Deal

Dan Industry News Release

The European Union is setting up potential reasons to reject Bayer AG’s takeover of Monsanto. This week, the EU is expected to send Bayer a so-called statement of objections that list potential reasons for the EU to block the $66 billion proposal. Bloomberg News reports regulators are looking “very carefully” at the competition issues in the combination of Bayer and …

U.S. Ag Groups Want Intervention of GI Review

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Farm and food groups want the Trump Administration to address a trade consideration between Mexico and Japan regarding geographical indications. Japan and Mexico are considering giving exclusive status to various European geographical food and drink names. In a letter to President Trump, the groups say that the European Union is currently negotiating with both nations on lists of protected geographical …

U.S., EU, Opening Door to TTIP Talks

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The European Union and the United States could soon be reviving negotiations of the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross over the weekend told the Financial Times reducing the trans-Atlantic trade deficit in goods is a top priority. The $146 billion trans-Atlantic trade deficit is only second to China’s $347 billion deficit. Ross was hosting …