EPA Administrator Promises Back-to-Basics Agenda

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt last week promised a back-to-basics agenda approach for the federal agency. While visiting a Pennsylvania coal mine, Pruitt announced the agenda, saying the new focus “means returning EPA to its core mission: protecting the environment by engaging with state, local,and tribal partners to create sensible regulations that enhance economic growth.” In his speech to …

Judge Approves Settlement to Protect Farmers’ Privacy

Dan Industry News Release

The American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Pork Producers Council yesterday closed the final chapter of their lawsuit challenging EPA’s release of farmer and rancher personal information, when a federal judge approved a settlement that secures the private information of thousands of livestock and poultry farmers in 36 states.

RFA Applauds Administration for Recalling Fuel Economy Rules, Allowing for a More Comprehensive Approach

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

In response to the Trump administration’s decision recalling EPA’s federal fuel economy and emissions rules, and allowing for a data-driven review of the 2022-2025 standards, Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen had the following statement:

Looking Forward to Working with New EPA Administrator

Dan Cattle, Environment

Various agriculture groups have come out in support of the announcement that Scott Pruitt was confirmed and sworn in as the 14th administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). That includes the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), and its environmental counsel, Scott Yager, told Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman the Association is pleased Pruitt is in this position.

Scott Pruitt Confirmed and Sworn in as EPA Administrator

Dan Industry News Release

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt was confirmed and sworn in as the 14th administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Administrator Pruitt was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito at 5:40pm this evening (Friday, February 17, 2017) and subsequently resigned as Attorney General of Oklahoma. Administrator Pruitt believes promoting and protecting a strong and healthy environment is …

Pruitt Confirmation Welcomed News for Alabama Farmers

Dan Alabama, Industry News Release

U.S. Senate confirmation of Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is welcomed news for Alabama farmers concerned about regulatory overreach. Alabama Farmers Federation National Legislative Programs Director Mitt Walker said Pruitt has a proven record of upholding the law and pushing back when federal agencies go beyond Congressional intent. “There is real excitement in the agricultural …