Trump Says Year-Round E-15 Is Coming

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

President Donald Trump says the summertime ban on higher ethanol blends is a “ridiculous rule.” However, SP Global Dot Com says during a press conference last Thursday, he didn’t give any new timeline for giving consumers year-round access to E-15. The Environmental Protection Agency says it will issue a final rule allowing summertime E-15 sales by June 1, the official …

EPA Admin Says EPA Will Move on Year-Round E15

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt spent part of a trip in Kansas at an ethanol production facility. Pruitt’s trip included a stop at the East Kansas Agri-Energy ethanol plant, along with meeting local agriculture groups. The visit comes a week after the White House stopped a proposal that ethanol groups say would harm the industry, allowing RIN exports, …

American Drivers Surpass 500 Million Miles on E15

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The most tested fuel on the road has fueled more than 500 million miles for American motorists Growth Energy announced that the most tested fuel in history, E15, has reached a remarkable milestone. Based on sales and consumption data reported over the past 12 months by major gasoline retailers, drivers across the United States have more than 500 million miles …