Dairy Production Forecast Up, Price Forecast Down for 2018

Dan Dairy

USDA’s latest look at dairy shows trends of more production and lower prices for the next 12 months. Rod Bain has more information. Dairy Production Forecast Up, Price Forecast Down for 2018 Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Analyst to Dairy: Speak Up Now on Immigration

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

CNN political analyst and Republican strategist Ann Navarro told dairy farmers it’s time to make sure lawmakers “hear your voice” on immigration. Speaking to dairy farmers at the annual Dairy Strong Conference last week, she says farmers understand the immigration issue and urged them to keep pushing their representatives in Washington to act. Immigration is a key issue for dairy …

SUDIA Rebrands to Reflect Market-Focused Mission and Innovation

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The Dairy Alliance Represents 2,100 Dairy Farmers Across Nine Southeast States The Southeast United Dairy Industry Association (SUDIA) has new leadership, new branding and a new name — The Dairy Alliance. This change represents the new vision and mission of the organization. The Dairy Alliance has an emphasis on market-focused partnerships that proactively promote and protect the interests of 2,100 dairy farm families in the Southeast. The new …

Organic Milk Sales Lower

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Organic milk sales are dropping, but sales of so-called plant-based milk are rising. The Wall Street Journal reports organic milk sales fell 2.5 percent in 2017, slightly less than traditional white milk that fell 4.5 percent. Plant-based milks rose 2.9 percent in sales. However, the largest gains in milk sales were seen by specialty milk which would include products like …

Disaster Bill Includes Cotton, Dairy Provisions

Dan Cotton, Dairy, Industry News Release

The $81 billion House disaster aid package includes provisions for cotton growers and limited support for dairy producers. The National Farmers Union says both cotton and dairy farmers need appropriations fixes before the start of the next farm bill. The bill, however, offsets part of the cost by making changes to nutrition infrastructure. NFU President Roger Johnson says the organization …

Dairy Producers Have Until Friday to Enroll for 2018 Coverage

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) wants to remind dairy producers that this Friday is the deadline to enroll for 2018 coverage in the Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy). The voluntary program provides financial assistance to participating dairy producers when the margin, or the difference between the price of milk and feed costs, falls below the coverage level selected by the producer. MPP-Dairy …

New Dairy Support Program Awaits USDA Approval

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Times have been tough in the American dairy industry. Overproduction has led to a lot of supply, which has pushed down beyond the break-even point. There have been some dairy support programs, including the most recent Margin Protection Program. However, the program is flawed, with farmers and farm-state legislators calling for changes. Marin Bozic, Assistant Professor with the University of …

Services are Available for Immigrant Laborers on American Dairy Farms

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

Immigrant labor is important to American agriculture, especially in the dairy industry. Dairy farmers across the country may not know that Mexican consulates in every state have services available to help their immigrant workers adjust to life in America. Monica Cruz of the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul, Minnesota, says there are a variety of ways employers and their employees …

Canadian Dairy Program Beginning to Negatively Affect Other Countries

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Dairy has been a major sticking point between the U.S. and Canada during the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations. The issue may actually get worse as Canada is now sending subsidized milk powder to Mexico. Jaime Castaneda, senior vice president of strategic initiatives and trade with the National Milk Producers Federation says Canada is trying to have its cake …