U.S. Crop Prices Forecast to Remain Stable

Dan Field Crops, Industry News Release, Wheat

U.S. grain prices and demand for grain products will likely not change much, if at all. That forecast comes from Dr. Keith Coble, the Agricultural and Economics Department head at Mississippi State University. He spoke to attendees of the American Farm Bureau national convention during a workshop on global crop trends and the U.S. farm policy forecast for the year …

Stable Forecast for U.S. Crop Prices Forecast

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Wheat

U.S. grain prices and crop demand for 2017-2018 will likely show no major changes, according to Dr. Keith Coble, former chief economist for Senate Agriculture Committee Republicans and the head of the Agricultural Economics Department at Mississippi State University. Coble spoke to workshop attendees during the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2018 Annual Convention & IDEAg Trade Show about global crop …

2018 Crop Prices Outlook

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

A University of Illinois economist expects 2018 crop prices to remain below high levels seen earlier this decade due to global inventories. Economist Todd Hubbs explains that global economic growth continues to build on the momentum seen over the last year, offering some limited upside for demand. Growth in China and emerging markets in Asia is projected to remain strong …