U.S. Cotton Exports and Demand Still Good

Dan Cotton, Exports/Imports

While the trade war with China continues, some wonder how it is affecting U.S. cotton exports to that country. Dr. Jody Campiche, Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council (NCC), looks at exports for U.S. cotton and notes what impacts the tariffs have had on demand. U.S. Cotton Exports and Demand Still Good Sponsored ContentNuseed …

Agri View: Tough Times for Cotton Producers

Dan Agri View, Cotton, Exports/Imports

Everett Griner talks about the tough times cotton producers have had in today’s Agri View. Everett looks at what needs to change and what is in the future for cotton producers. Tough Times for Cotton Producers Cotton farmers have had some tough times during the last decade. They have made good crops. They haven’t made any money. Industry leaders say …

Improving Global Demand and Increased Stocks in Key Exporting Countries Offer Mixed Signals for Cotton Outlook

Dan Cotton, Exports/Imports

National Cotton Council economists point to a few key factors that will shape the U.S. cotton industry’s 2018 economic outlook. In recent months, cotton prices have maintained a stronger appearance despite the increase in world production. Although the current supply and demand fundamentals appear somewhat bearish, strong U.S. export sales, a weaker U.S. dollar, heavy speculative buying, and large mill …