Commodity Credit Corporation Selling Peanuts

Dan Peanuts

The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has announced they plan to exchange CCC-owned bulk peanuts for commercial peanut butter. Tyron Spearman has the details.   The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is a Government-owned and operated entity that was created to stabilize, support, and protect farm income and prices. CCC also helps maintain balanced and adequate supplies of agricultural commodities and aids …

No Actions Under Feedstock Flexibility Program

Dan Industry News Release, Sugar

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation announced that it does not expect to purchase and sell sugar under the Feedstock Flexibility Program in fiscal year 2017. Federal law allows sugar processors to obtain loans from USDA with maturities of up to nine months when the sugarcane or sugar beet harvest begins. Upon loan maturity, the sugar processor …