RFS Pulls Back on Some Biofuels

Dan Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency released its proposals on how much biofuels will go into the national fuel supply next year and it was a mixed bag. Politico’s Morning Agriculture Report says there were some pleasant surprises and some disappointments. Ethanol producers wanted the continuation of an Obama-era requirement of 15 billion gallons of ethanol in the nation’s fuel supply and …

Analysis Reaffirms Ethanol’s GHG Emissions Reduction Benefits

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued new analysis today on the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of corn-based ethanol. The analysis, conducted by ICF, found that typical corn-based ethanol achieves a 43 percent greenhouse gas reduction when compared to 2005-era gasoline, and by 2022, corn-based ethanol is projected to increase to a 50 percent greenhouse gas reduction over the life of …