Farm Thefts Could Draw Heftier Penalties

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops

Getting caught stealing a registered beehive would have a deeper sting under a measure advancing in the Senate. The Senate Agriculture Committee on Thursday unanimously approved a proposal (SB 776) that would boost the criminal fine for theft of a commercially farmed animal or a bee colony from $5,000 to $10,000. Committee Chairwoman Denise Grimsley, R-Sebring, said increased fines are …

Agri View: Thieves Targeting Bees

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner talks about thieves now targeting bees in today’s Agri View.       Well, not only are America’s bee farmers losing hives to unstoppable disease, mites, and stress, but in one area, they are losing hives to thieves. In one case, the culprits were arrested and 2,500 hives were recovered — 2,500 hives! Location and names are not …

Managed Honeybee Colony Numbers Increasing

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

The Department of Agriculture says the number of managed honeybee colonies has increased over the last decade. While recent public attention has focused largely on colony mortality trends, overall colony numbers have increased since 2006. USDA says the number of managed colonies has increased from roughly two million in 2006 to near 2.8 million in 2016. However, honeybee mortality, as …