Commerce Department Announces Final Dumping Margin of 21% on Mexican Tomato Imports

Dan Exports/Imports, Fruits, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

International Trade Commission will now Evaluate Injury to U.S. Growers Washington, D.C. (FTE-October 22, 2019) — The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced a final dumping margin of 21 percent in the resumed antidumping investigation of Mexican tomatoes.  This result comes as no surprise to American tomato farmers who have seen domestic production decline significantly in the face of unfairly traded …

Commerce Department Investigating Argentina and Indonesia Biodiesel Imports

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The U.S. Commerce Department has launched an antidumping and countervailing duty investigation aimed at biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia. DTN-The Progressive Farmer reports the investigation is in response to a complaint filed by the biodiesel industry in the United States. U.S. biodiesel industry representatives testified to the International Trade Commission last week, saying biodiesel produced in Argentina and Indonesia …