Cotton Leafroll Dwarf Virus Present in Alabama Cotton, Scouting Essential

Dan Alabama, Cotton, Industry News Release

AUBURN UNIVERSITY, Ala. (ACES) —Extension professionals have already confirmed the presence of Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV)—the causal agent of Cotton Blue Disease—on multiple research substations across Alabama. The aphid transmitted disease has been monitored closely since its appearance in cotton fields during the fall of 2017. Kassie Conner, an Alabama Extension plant pathologist, said the virus was confirmed in …

Dry Spring Causes Cotton Management Difficulties

Dan Alabama, Cotton, Industry News Release

Rain in the forecast is a welcome change from the lingering dry conditions Alabama producers have battled this spring. Producers generally plant cotton between April 20 and the first week of June. While early spring weather was conducive for planting, the end of May was hot and dry, creating significant challenges for stand establishment. Alabama Extension cotton specialist Dr. Steve Brown said …

Alabama Cotton Yields Third Highest in History

Dan Alabama, Cotton

Despite a year with a multitude of challenges in the field, Alabama cotton yields are currently estimated to be the third highest in state history. Cotton production this year is up 18 percent from 2016 production. Alabama Cooperative Extension System economist Max Runge said this increase stems primarily from a 25 percent increase in harvested acreage over 2016. “Given the …

Cotton Production Has Slight Increase

Dan Cotton, Crop Forecasts

All cotton production is forecast at 21.4 million, 480 pound bales, up 1 percent from last month and up 25 percent from last year. Yield is expected to average 900 pounds per harvested acre, up 33 pounds from last year. As of October 29, 55 percent of the cotton acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, compared with 49 percent at the same time last year. Ninety-three …

Irma Interrupts Alabama Corn Harvest, Complicates Cotton Crop

Dan Alabama, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts

Farmers are scouting for damage from Tropical Storm Irma, which dropped several inches of rain and blew winds up to 50 mph in east and central Alabama Monday. The storm, which raged across the Florida peninsula last weekend, interrupted corn harvest for some Alabama growers, said the Alabama Farmers Federation’s Carla Hornady. “The rain pushed some farmers to work long …

Cotton and Peanut Planting Progressing Well

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

According to the latest numbers from USDA, cotton and peanut planting continues to progress well in most areas. Brad Rippey, a USDA meteorologist, has a look at planting progress and crop development.   In Alabama, 84% of the cotton crop has been planted which compares to 77% this time last year, while the 5-year average is 81%. In Alabama, 73% …