Commerce Secretary Ross: NAFTA Talks Far from Over

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC that the North American Free Trade Agreement re-negotiations are “far from being completed.” While noting that progress was made on easier provisions, he says “very little has been done on the hard issues,” including automotive trade and agriculture. Ross says President Trump could still choose to withdrawal from the agreement, saying a final renegotiated …

Trump Says U.S. Open to TPP, If Better Deal Negotiated

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump has left the door open to rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership through comments in a recent speech. However, the now TPP 11 countries may not be as welcoming, forging ahead to sign an agreement in March. Addressing the World Economic Forum in Switzerland last week, Trump said of the TPP nations, the U.S. would consider negotiating with them …

NAFTA Talks to Continue, Optimism Increasing

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are at a “much better point,” according to trade officials from Mexico. Speaking at the conclusion of the latest round of talks held in Canada, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said: “We finally began to discuss the core issues.” All three sides agreed to language governing anti-corruption during the latest …

Agri View: Agriculture Trade Changes

Dan Agri View, Trade

Everett Griner talks about the United States out of TPP Trade Group in today’s Agri View. Agriculture Trade Changes If you know anything at all about agriculture you will know the importance of export trade. Particularly, every crop we grow/produce commercially, is involved in this process. I have talked many times about NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. Which …

Farmers for Free Trade Attend NAFTA Negotiations in Montreal

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The advocacy group Farmers for Free Trade took a contingent of American farmers and agricultural officials to Montreal, where the sixth round of NAFTA negotiations are ongoing. The goal was to speak out about the importance of the NAFTA and the need for some certainty as farmers make choices for the upcoming growing season. Terry Nelson is a diversified cattle …

AFBF Trade Adviser: TPP Deal Finalized Without the U.S.

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The American Farm Bureau’s  (AFBF) trade adviser says now that a TPP deal has been finalized without the U.S., Washington has little choice but to look for other trade deal partners in the Asia-Pacific, which is not the ideal situation. Canada’s Prime Minister announced last week that his country had finalized its own TPP with 10-nations in the Asia-Pacific region, …

Some Sections of NAFTA Negotiations Closer to Completion

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

While the U.S. is still unhappy with the slow pace in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations, there are some sections that are close to completed. Canada’s chief NAFTA negotiator says that the sixth round of talks could lead to a revamped sanitary and phytosanitary chapter of the pact. Politico says that chapter covers rules on food safety …

Not All Canada Ag Happy with TPP 11

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Not all ag sectors in Canada are thrilled with the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP 11. Canada’s dairy and chicken producer groups claim the deal will “chip away” at their markets. Chicken Farmers of Canada says the agreement still includes concessions on market access for chicken products in response to U.S. demands. …

New York Times: How NAFTA Shapes Beer, Bacon and Blue Jeans Trade

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The New York Times recently outlined what the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) means for three items notorious for their association with American culture. Combined, what should be considered for a country song title, the article details the cross-border trade of beer, bacon and blue jeans. The article notes that a change in trade policy could change the future …

Reports Shows States with Most to Lose in NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A new report shows which states stand to lose the most when it comes to withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Farmers for Free Trade, a self-described bipartisan, grassroots campaign working to rebuild support for trade, says the report outlines the specific threats the states most dependent on NAFTA ag trade with Mexico would face if America …