Agricultural Producers Urged to Learn About Irrigating Wisely at Free UF Event

Dan Education, Florida, Industry News Release, Irrigation, Research

GAINESVILLE, FL (UF/IFAS) — UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County will host a free event highlighting water-saving technologies available to agricultural producers and how this equipment has already aided growers in the area. Irrigating Wisely in Florida’s Agriculture, held at Brown’s Farm in Hawthorne, Florida, on Sept. 17, will share information on best management practices for utilizing water-saving technologies as well as …

Growers Learn about Irrigator Pro

Dan Irrigation, Technology, Water

Many farmers around the country are looking at innovative ways to conserve water while maintaining or boosting crop yields. Irrigator Pro, an irrigation scheduling tool for peanuts, cotton and corn, was first developed by the Agricultural Research Service’s National Peanut Research Laboratory in Dawson, Georgia. And new technology, an app for Irrigator Pro, is now available for water conservation. According …