Georgia Tobacco Producers Overwhelmingly Approve Continued Tobacco Assessment

Josh McGill Field Crops, Georgia

From the Georgia Department of Agriculture Georgia tobacco producers overwhelmingly voted to extend the assessment of fifty cents per hundredweight of tobacco for an additional three years—90.6% of the eligible ballots returned voted yes.  The balloting period for the market order was conducted from March 1st to March 30th. The Georgia Agriculture Commodity Commission for Tobacco utilizes funds received for …

U.S. Tractor Sales Up in March

Dan Industry News Release

U.S. tractor sales in March increased six percent compared to a year ago. The Association of Equipment Manufacturers released its monthly sales report this week. The report shows that for the first three months in 2017, a total of 42,033 tractors were sold which compares to 39,878 sold through March 2016, representing a five percent increase for the year. For …

World Trade Expanding Amid Deep Uncertainty

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The World Trade Organization says world trade is on track to expand 2.4 percent this year, although there is “deep uncertainty” about economic and policy developments in the United States. The WTO says clarity is needed on President Donald Trump’s trade policies. The WTO pushed against trade protectionism in comments as a spokesperson said: “we should see trade as part …

Conaway Statement on GAO Food Aid Report

Dan Industry News Release

Earlier this week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) publicly released a report on the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) implementation and oversight of additional food aid flexibility authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill. Under the 2014 Farm Bill, USAID is authorized to use up to 20 percent of Food for Peace (Title II) funds for administrative purposes, now interpreted …

Canada Farmland Values Up 10 Percent

Dan Industry News Release

Farm Credit Canada announced this week farmland prices in Canada increased 10 percent last year as the nation’s property boom is spreading to agriculture. A report by Farm Credit Canada found the average price of farmland across Canada increased 10.1 percent in 2016 as low-interest rates and strong crop income helped maintain demand. The 2016 increase, according to the report, …

Pork Producers Applaud White House Action on ‘GIPSA’ Rule

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Livestock, Pork

Call for Withdraw of Regulation The Trump administration gave notice that it will further delay the effective date of a regulation related to the buying and selling of livestock, a move applauded by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC), which opposes the Obama-era rule. It also will take public comments on what to do with the regulation. The so-called Farmer …

Ag Leaders Meet with EPA Administrator

Dan Industry News Release

A coalition representing various agricultural groups recently met with leadership from the Environmental Protection Agency. The Production Agriculture CEO Council, which includes CEO’s of the American Soybean Association, the National Corn Growers Association and others, met with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and other EPA staff members. The agriculture leaders focused on topics important for agriculture, including expressing the importance of …

House Still Not Buying Negron Water Plan

Dan Industry News Release, Water

by Jim Turner, News Service of Florida Revamped plans for a deep-water reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee, a priority of the Senate president, have improved the proposal in the eyes of House Speaker Richard Corcoran. But the House still isn’t ready to sign on to Senate President Joe Negron’s proposal, which is designed to reduce polluted water discharges from the …