New site aims to provide transparency and information about EPA review of ‘WOTUS’ EPA is launching a new website ( to provide the public with information about EPA’s review of the definition of “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) as set out in the 2015 “Clean Water Rule.” The site replaces the website developed for the 2015 rulemaking process. “EPA is …
NRCS Alabama Offers Funding to Protect Water Quality
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Alabama has announced that the agency is providing funding to protect water quality for residents living in two key watersheds in North Alabama. Alabama State Conservationist, Ben Malone, notes designated sections of Swan Creek and Oakland Spring Branch-Beaver Dam Creek will be targeted. Eligible landowners are encouraged to visit their local USDA Service …
Scott Signs Major Water Bill Backed by Negron
from The News Service of Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Tuesday signed a priority of Senate President Joe Negron that will allow the state to bond money for a controversial reservoir intended to help clean South Florida waterways. The measure (SB 10) was one of 11 bills that Scott signed into law. The water bill allows Florida to bond up …
Farm Bureau Applauds EPA’s Water Rule Outreach
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall praised the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to collaborate closely with governors regarding revision of the Waters of the United States rule. “EPA Administrator Pruitt’s decision to consult with the states before revising the Waters of the United States rule marks a sharp break with the recent past,” Duvall said. “His letter to the …
EPA and U.S. Army Solicit State Input on Redefining “Waters of the U.S.”
“EPA is restoring states’ important role in the regulation of water” – Administrator Pruitt U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army sent a letter to governors soliciting input from states on a new definition of protected waters that is in-line with a Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion in the 2006 Rapanos v. United States case. Scalia’s definition explains …
Governor Will Sign Negron Water Bill
from: The News Service of Florida Gov. Rick Scott will sign a bill that includes money to speed construction of a reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee — a top priority of Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart. Scott spokeswoman Jackie Schutz confirmed Wednesday that the governor will sign the proposal (SB 10), which received final approval Tuesday from the House and …
Negron Water Priority Going to Governor
by Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida Florida could bond up to $800 million — two-thirds the amount previously sought by the Senate — to speed construction of a reservoir intended to help clean South Florida waterways, under a compromise measure heading to Gov. Rick Scott. The governor’s office Tuesday noted his support for the water-storager plan on Tuesday, …
Senate Signs Off on Negron Water Plan
by Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida Plans for a $1.5 billion reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee, questioned by sugar farmers and House leaders, received overwhelming Senate approval after nearly three hours of discussion and debate Wednesday. A priority of Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart, the bill (SB 10) seeks to lessen the recurrence of toxic green algae harming …
House Still Not Buying Negron Water Plan
by Jim Turner, News Service of Florida Revamped plans for a deep-water reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee, a priority of the Senate president, have improved the proposal in the eyes of House Speaker Richard Corcoran. But the House still isn’t ready to sign on to Senate President Joe Negron’s proposal, which is designed to reduce polluted water discharges from the …
EAA Farmers, Inc. Issues Statement on Passage of SB 10
A statement from Danielle Alvarez, spokesperson for EAA Farmers, Inc., following the passage of SB10 during the Senate Appropriations Committee: “Today’s amendment acknowledges what EAA farmers have said all along: a storage reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee can be accomplished within the existing footprint of state-owned lands without the need to acquire additional farmland. However, an EAA reservoir will not …