UF/IFAS a Trusted Source of Agricultural-Related Information

Dan Field Crops, Florida, Fruits, Industry News Release, Livestock, Research, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables, Water

Florida’s county commissioners look to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) for reliable agricultural-related information, according to a recent study. In May 2018, the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center) surveyed 43 county commissioners to identify the sources they use for information on agriculture, food, water and natural …

Ag Groups Respond to WOTUS Ruling

Dan Industry News Release, Water

Last week’s federal court ruling lifting a delay on the controversial, Obama-era Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule has drawn a swift rebuke by key farm groups. American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duval calls the South Carolina U.S. District Court ruling that upends a Trump EPA delay of WOTUS until 2020 while the agency rewrites WOTUS, “misguided.” Here …

American Farm Bureau Coalition Fights to Stop Illegal 2015 WOTUS Rule

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The American Farm Bureau Federation and a broad coalition of business organizations have notified the federal district court in South Carolina they will appeal that court’s ruling yesterday that revived the overbroad, vague and illegal 2015 Waters of the United States Rule and made it the law of the land in 26 states. In a separate filing, the same coalition …

Farm Bureau: Now, More Than Ever, We Must Ditch the Rule

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The following may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “Due to a misguided ruling by a single federal district court, the overbroad, vague and illegal 2015 Waters of the United States Rule is now the law of the land in twenty-six states. “To avoid widespread uncertainty and potential enforcement against ordinary farming activities in these already-uncertain …

USDA Partners to Improve Rural Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in 23 States

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The Department of Agriculture announced a $124 million investment Tuesday to help rebuild and improve rural water infrastructure in 23 states. Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett made the announcement in Louisiana, which is receiving funding for five projects. USDA is providing the funding through the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant program. It can be …

New Special Master Named in ‘Water War’

Dan Florida, Georgia, Industry News Release, Water

The U.S. Supreme Court has appointed a new special master to handle the long-running legal battle between Florida and Georgia over water in the Apalachicola River system. The court on Thursday named Paul J. Kelly Jr., a federal appellate judge from Santa Fe, N.M., to replace Maine lawyer Ralph Lancaster as special master. A one-paragraph order from the court did …

New State Authority Over Local Waters a Boon to Farmers and Ranchers

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The Trump administration’s decision to return water-permitting authority to more states means faster, better and more affordable decision-making for all Americans. Under terms of an agreement signed by the U.S. Army, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Justice Department and the White House, states can assume authority to issue permits for earth moving in and around regulated waterways, wetlands and land …

Scott: Expedited Water Project Will Help Reduce Harmful Lake Okeechobee Discharges

Dan Environment, Florida, Industry News Release, Water

Governor Rick Scott announced that, under his direction, another key Everglades restoration project is moving forward ahead of schedule. This year, Governor Scott included funding to expedite this project in his recommended budget and then signed into law this investment of $6 million to begin construction on the S-333 expansion project by the end of the year. This expansion project …