The best food for your house plants. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. To keep your plants happy and healthy, you must remember to feed them. And, the right diet can mean the difference between a plant that thrives or a plant that dies. If you have a flourishing indoor garden, you know that plants need three main …
UF Scientist Finds Way to Reduce Greenhouse Gas in Soil
(UF/IFAS) — When soil gets saturated with water, the ground can produce nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that depletes the ozone, that the layer protects plants and animals on Earth from harmful ultraviolet light. For context, nitrous oxide is 310 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas that’s harmful to the ozone layer. That’s why it’s important to …
Duval Soil and Water Full Board Meeting via Zoom Coming Up
(USDA/NRCS/FL) — The Duval Soil and Water Conservation District Full Board will meet on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. at the Duval Agricultural Extension Office, 1010 N. McDuff Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32254. This meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference. At this time the Extension Office is open only at limited capacity. Public participation is encouraged, but members …
Conservation Efforts Continue on Florida’s Farms, Ranches Amid Pandemic
(USDA/NRCS/FL) — USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Florida continued its conservation work across the state despite a year marked with a pandemic and natural disasters. The agency helped farmers, ranchers and forest landowners implement conservation practices to help conserve natural resources and boost their bottom lines. Additionally, NRCS launched new online tools that increased the efficiency, effectiveness and delivery of crucial …
When is a Weed Not a Weed?
Reclamation and restoration plantings are usually developed with the goal of establishing a stable plant community. To determine what species may perform well in an area, land managers can refer to nearby reference sites or an Ecological Site Description. However, many restoration sites may not have the capability to support the species present in an undisturbed reference area. Plant species return to …
Alabama SWCC on Installation of Irrigation Pivots
Early last year, the Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (SWCC) worked with the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and Auburn University to identify watersheds that would have funding priority for new irrigation systems. Dr. William Puckett, Alabama SWCC executive director, told Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman contracts have been signed and pivots are being …
Plants That Will Thrive in Dry Soil
Cathy Isom tells you about all the plants that will thrive in dry soil in todays This Land of Ours. If your soil is dry, don’t despair. There are plenty of ways you can improve the ability of your garden to hold moisture. Or, there are plenty of plants you can grow in the meantime that love dry soil, too. …
UF Plant and Soil Diagnostic Labs Essential to Florida Agriculture, Economy During COVID-19
(UF/IFAS) — In the time of COVID-19, plants still get sick, and the soil that nourishes them needs care. The health of plants and soil is critical to agriculture, an industry designated an essential service in response to the pandemic. That’s why, when many American universities have transitioned to online-only and their employees adapt to working from home, scientists at …
Cover Crops Play Vital Role in Soil Conservation
(ACES) — Heavy bouts of rainfall and strong storms created the perfect scenario for Alabama producers to talk about the many benefits of planting cover crops during the winter season. Audrey Gamble, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System soil scientist, said the weather throughout winter months in Alabama has allowed for thought-provoking conversations surrounding use of cover crops and off-season land …
Now Is the Time to Test Soil
By Clint Thompson Farmers need to take soil samples now to ensure essential nutrient levels in their fields. A lack of the right amount of a specific nutrient could cost growers who want to maximize their yields, according to Audrey Gamble, assistant professor and Extension specialist at Auburn University. She said soil testing is one of the easiest ways for …