More States See Record Land Prices

Dan Economy, Field Crops, Pasture

Many states are experiencing record land prices across the Midwest. Aggressive bidding continued into summer and the fall selling season, with new high prices often being reached in Iowa. But the land market is also strong in most other crop regions. Farmers National Company recently sold a client’s land in northeast Nebraska at a simulcast auction for $12,950-$13,400 per acre, …

Georgia Virtual Workshop for Small and Beginning Livestock and Forage Producers

Dan Cattle, Education, Georgia, Livestock, Pasture, USDA-NRCS

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Georgia invites small and beginning livestock and forage producers to participate in a virtual workshop being held September 23rd. The event, being conducted through Team Agriculture Georgia and USDA in Georgia, will run that day from 9am-11am. The propose of the workshop is to introduce participants to conservation minded practices for all types of livestock and …

Forage Basics: From the Pasture to Your Phone

Dan Alabama, Cattle, Livestock, Pasture

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) is offering another ground-breaking online learning opportunity. Forage Basics, the newest online course, will serve as a valuable new tool for livestock and forage producers. The program is the first course to provide targeted information about forage production and management in the Southeast. Leanne Dillard, the project leader and an Alabama Extension forage specialist, said that …

John Deere Hay and Forage Equipment Delivers

Dan Beef, Cattle, Dairy, Pasture

When it comes to hay and forage equipment, John Deere has years of field experience to create equipment that delivers what you need. Chase Millam, marketing manager for hay and forage at John Deere, talked with Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman during the recent Cattle Industry Convention. They discussed a couple of pieces of equipment, including something brand new, the W235R Windrower (W235R …

Bayer Product Protects the Grass You Want, Manage What You Don’t

Dan Pasture, Specialty Crops

When it comes to year round protection for your pastures and better quality hay, Bayer has a product that can help protect the grass you want, while managing the grass you don’t. Rezilon is newer product that is applicable to ranchers across the Southeast. Bayer Range and Pasture Account Manager, Brian Cain, explained to Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman what this product can do. Rezilon can help control …

SE Hay Short Course Starts This Week

Dan Cattle, Education, Livestock, Pasture

The University of Florida, University of Georgia and Auburn University forage teams wants to remind producers the new SE Hay Short Course kicks off this week. Marcelo Wallau, Assistant Professor – Forage Extension Specialist with the UF Agronomy Department says it starts August 19th with the first of two online meetings. The SE Hay Course is an opportunity to learn more about hay production, machinery …

Producers Invited to Take Part in SE Hay Short Course

Dan Education, Pasture

An expansion of the extension effort of the Southeastern Hay Contest has been announced. The University of Florida, University of Georgia and Auburn University forage teams are promoting a new event on hay production. It’s called the SE Hay Short Course, where producers and forage specialists from multiple states can take part in this inaugural event. Marcelo Wallau, assistant professor – forage extension …

USDA to Help Heirs Resolve Land Ownership and Succession Issues

Dan Field Crops, Pasture, USDA-FSA

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $67 million in competitive loans through the new Heirs’ Property Relending Program. The program aims to help producers and landowners resolve heirs’ land ownership and succession issues. “While those affected are in all geographic and cultural areas, many Black farmers and other groups who have experienced historic discrimination have inherited heirs’ property,” Vilsack said. “USDA …

USDA Announces Dates for CRP Grasslands Signups

Dan Conservation, Environment, Pasture, USDA-FSA

Signup has opened for agricultural producers and landowners to apply for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands This year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated signup options to provide greater incentives for producers and increase the program’s conservation and climate benefits, including setting a minimum rental rate and identifying two national priority zones. The CRP Grassland signup is competitive, and USDA’s …