Egypt Issuing Wheat Import Guidelines to Tackle Trade Problems

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Wheat

Egypt plans to issue a streamlined guide on wheat import regulations for global traders. The guidelines will detail all specifications, procedures, and regulations for traders selling to the world’s largest buyer, Egypt. The guidelines will be issued within the next two weeks. Reuters says Egypt is looking to calm nervous suppliers who have been adding high-risk premiums because of what …

Agriculture Leading Commodity Trade Job Changes

Dan Industry News Release

Job changes in the commodities markets are led this year by agriculture, which makes up 43 percent of all job changes in the industry. Bloomberg reports that shrinking profits stemming from years of bumper harvest levels is reducing volatility and trading opportunities for major trade clearinghouses, forcing them to tighten their belts. At least 40 senior managers and executives in …

Farm Bankruptcy Relief Bill Sent to Trump

Dan Industry News Release

Legislation that would make it easier for family farmers to reorganize debts when facing bankruptcy received final approval this week, sending the measure to the president’s desk for signature. The bill was included as part of the supplemental appropriations package approved Tuesday in the Senate by a vote of 82-17. The measure would rectify a 2012 Supreme Court ruling on …

Midwest Senators Introduce Farm Safety Net Fix

Dan Industry News Release

A bipartisan bill introduced this week seeks to strengthen and improve the Agriculture Risk Coverage-County Level program, which helps farmers when commodity prices fall to damaging levels. Introduced by North Dakota Democrat Heidi Heitkamp and Iowa Republican Joni Ernst, the bill aims to strengthen the safety net program in the next farm bill to “better support farmers” and make sure …

GAO Climate Change Report Estimates Lost Crop Revenues

Dan Industry News Release, Weather

A report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) predicts climate change will cost U.S. agriculture up to $9.2 billion between 2020 and 2039 in lost crop yields. The report also details how extreme weather events, including wildfires, has cost the government $350 billion over the last decade, when including crop and flood insurance costs. In the long term, for 2080 …

NMPF Applauds House Judiciary Committee for Endorsing New Agriculture Guest Worker Program

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

The National Milk Producers Federation said it supports the efforts by Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and the House Judiciary Committee to pass legislation creating a guestworker program that provides a new opportunity for immigration reform in agriculture. The committee today approved the Agriculture Guestworker (AG) Act (H.R. 4092), which would establish an entirely new visa program, dubbed the H-2C visa, …

House Ag Chair Says Farm Bill Work Could Possibly Finish This Year

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

Washington legislators are working on developing the policy for the new Farm Bill, which is due next year. Texas Republican Mike Conaway, Chair of the House Ag Committee, said developments in the Senate this week mean the Farm Bill process can move forward.   Conaway is still planning for the farm bill process in the House to wrap up within …

Dicamba Label Features New Guidelines for 2018 Growing Season

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Dicamba is now a restricted use pesticide, thanks to guidelines issued recently by the Environmental Protection Agency. The guidelines were reached through a deal between the Trump Administration and the three companies that make dicamba, including Monsanto, BASF, and DuPont. All of the changes will be on product labels heading into the 2018 season. Dr. Ahmit Jhala, Assistant Professor with …

USDA Strengthens Agricultural Sciences at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Dan Education, Industry News Release

To Cultivate Future Scientists and Leaders The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced grants to support agricultural science education at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). These grants will strengthen the ability of the institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs. “These grants highlight NIFA’s commitment to Hispanic-Serving Institutions by cultivating …

October Dairy Market Report from NMPF

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

In the October Dairy Market Report, milk prices continued to strengthen in August, but production is showing signs of acceleration. This year’s slow decline in the rate of U.S. milk production growth was interrupted in July and August, bouncing back to a 2 percent year-over-year increase. Lower feed costs in August helped further improve the month financially for the nation’s …