Trump Says Tariffs on China to Increase

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Trade officials from China are in Washington, DC this week as the Trump administration places further pressure on China to reach an agreement with the United States. Trump will increase tariffs on China Friday, saying talks between the two nations are going too slowly. On Twitter, Trump states he will increase tariffs on $200 billion of goods from 10 to …

Trade War Only Getting Worse for Soy Farmers Fearful for their Future

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Soybeans

Confirmation of Tariff Hikes Planned on Chinese Goods another Personal Blow to Growers In what could easily be described as “worst case” for America’s soybean growers, the Trump Administration has confirmed what the industry has feared for months: Heavier tariffs on Chinese goods are planned for Friday, May 10. “This is a predicament for soy growers,” said Davie Stephens, a …

Senators David Perdue and Rick Scott: Families Can’t Wait Any Longer for Disaster Relief

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Legislative

“Together, we should demonstrate to the American people that in times of natural disasters, Washington can still work.” U.S. Senators David Perdue (R-GA) and Rick Scott (R-FL) sent a letter to Democrat senators in states impacted by natural disasters urging them to immediately pass disaster relief funding, which has been stalled by political obstruction. It’s been 208 days since Hurricane …

Congress Once Again Taking Up Disaster Aid

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The U.S. House is set to work on a disaster aid bill that includes financial help for Midwestern and Southern Farmers. The Hagstrom Report says House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer made the announcement last week as the House adjourned until Tuesday. Hoyer says the House will consider H.R. 2157, which is the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2019. “The legislation would …

Ten Big Issues from the 2019 Session

Dan Economy, Education, Environment, Florida, Industry News Release, Lake Okeechobee, Legislative, Water

Florida lawmakers finished the 2019 legislative session Saturday by passing a budget for the upcoming year. During the two-month session, lawmakers considered hundreds of bills and made more than $90 billion in spending decisions. It also was the first session for Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and began the two-year terms of Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, and House Speaker Jose …

Lawmakers Sign Off on Budget as Session Ends

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Legislative

Florida’s Republican-dominated Legislature quickly put the finishing touches on a record $91.1 billion spending plan Saturday, meeting numerous requests from freshman Gov. Ron DeSantis. While declaring “great wins for conservatives,” along with environmental protections that should appeal to Democrats, the governor said he intends to use his line-item veto power but didn’t specify what spending he might target. “It’s going …

USDA Announces Repayment Options for Producers with Coverage in Previous MPP for Dairy

Dan Dairy, Economy, Industry News Release

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) announced that dairy producers who had coverage under the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy), which provided payments to producers when the price of milk fell below the feed costs to produce it, are eligible to receive a repayment for part of the premiums paid into the program. To be eligible for this repayment, which …

Lawmakers Try to Set Stage for Hemp Industry

Dan Florida, Hemp, Industry News Release

Moving quickly after the passage of a federal law, the Florida Legislature on Friday gave final approval to a bill aimed at creating an industrial-hemp industry in the state. Senators voted 39-0 to pass the bill (SB 1020), after the House approved it in a 112-1 vote Wednesday. The bill is ready to go to Gov. Ron DeSantis. The state …

Commissioner Nikki Fried on Florida Hemp Bill Passage

Dan Florida, Hemp, Industry News Release

The Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 1020, establishing a state hemp program within the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The historic vote comes after the 2018 federal Farm Bill removed prohibitions on industrial hemp in place since 1937 and authorized states to create hemp programs. Commissioner Nicole “Nikki” Fried, a noted advocate for hemp, cannabis, and medical marijuana, offered the following statement: “Today’s …

Farmer’s Share of the Food Dollar Falls to All-Time Low

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The farmer’s share of the food dollar has reached an all-time low. For every dollar American consumers spend on food, U.S. farmers and ranchers earn just 14.6 cents, according to a report recently released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service. This value marks a 17 percent decline since 2011 and the smallest portion of the American food …