Cotton Inc Meeting Competition Challenge

Randall Weiseman Cotton

Cotton Incorporated Vice President for Cotton Competition explains how they are helping the cotton industry meet the challenge of competition, both from other countries and from synthetic fibers. Report (1:– wma)

Cotton Inc Stink Bug Research

Randall Weiseman Cotton

Cotton Incorporated is two years into a three year research project on stink bugs in the Southeast. Entomologist Pat O’Leary with the Ag Research Group talks about what they have learned so far and what they hope to learn. Southeast Agnet’s Lee McCoy interviewed Pat recently on a media tour that included Cotton Inc. representatives. Report (:45 wma)

Desperately Seeking Disaster Aid

Randall Weiseman Cotton

National Cotton Council says Democratic members of the House are trying to get signatures on a discharge petition for disaster aid before the recess. Report (1:00 wma)

Disaster Aid Important For Cotton

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Georgia

The cotton harvest in Georgia is on schedule, but the crop is looking bad and it appears that disaster aid from Congress may be delayed until after the elections, according to Richey Seaton with the Georgia Cotton Commission. Report (1:00 wma)

Cotton Ahead, Peanuts Behind

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cotton, Georgia, Peanuts

The cotton harvest is running ahead of normal nationwide, while the peanut harvest is running behind. Here’s a look at the progress in Alabama: Report (1:00 wma) Here’s a look at the progress in Georgia: Report (1:00 wma) USDA NASS

Cotton Inc 07 Budget

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The Cotton Board recently approved Cotton Incorporated’s proposed 2007 budget of $78 million, up about five million from ’06. Report (1:00 wma)

Cotton Council Asks For Disaster Aid

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The National Cotton Council is one of several commodity groups and national farm organizations urging congress to act on emergency disaster assistance legislation that will help producers across the country for losses in 2005 and 2006. Report (1:00 wma)

Cotton and Peanuts Lower

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Peanuts

USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service has lowered the forecast for the cotton and peanut crops this year. Report (1:30 wma) USDA NASS