American Agriculture History

American Agriculture History Minute: Agriculture Continues Expansion and Diversification

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. In the early 1900s, American agriculture continued to expand and diversify. The first ten years of the century, George Washington Carver, who was director of agricultural research at Tuskegee Institute at the time, pioneered finding new uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes and soybeans, and thus helped diversify Southern agriculture. Additionally, the …

agricultural revolution

American Agriculture History Minute: First Major Agriculture Revolution

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. The 1870s was the first major agricultural revolution with moving from hand power to horsepower. But also in the 1870s, silos came into use for the first time. Elsewhere in the 1870s, deep well drilling was first widely used and, an important patent, barbed wire in 1874. The availability of barbed …

American Agriculture History

American Agriculture History Minute: Development of the Wealthy Apple

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, Fruits, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. In 1860, Horace Greeley wrote in his New York Tribune newspaper, “I would not live in Minnesota because you can’t grow apples there”. Indeed, no one at that time had solved the short growing season, but that finally changed in 1868 when horticulturalist Peter Gideon cultivated and grew an apple that …

Anna Baldwin

American Agriculture History Minute: Anna Baldwin Changes the Dairy Industry Forever

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, Dairy, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. Anna Baldwin is part of American agriculture history. In 1879, she patented the first milking machine that replaced hand milking. Her milking machine was a vacuum device that connected to a hand pump. This is one of the earliest known American patents for the dairy industry. However, it was not a …

American Agriculture History

American Agriculture History Minute: Railroads Helped Change Colorado Agriculture

Dan Agri-Business, American Agriculture History Minute, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. After a long dry trek across what is now Nebraska and Kansas, early settlers saw little or no value when crossing over to what is now Colorado. The soil was even sandier than that in western Kansas, western Nebraska. Rivers were unnavigable. That all changed in the late 1800s when word …

American Agriculture History

American Agriculture History Minute: Future Bright for Colorado After Discovery of Gold, Silver, and the Railroad

Dan Agri-Business, American Agriculture History Minute, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. Early settlers found a lot to like once they crossed the Appalachians and settled in states like Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa. But there was not much to like about Colorado. According to historians, when first settlers arrived there, in fact, many decided the difficult trail through the Rockies onto Oregon …

American Agriculture History

American Agriculture History Minute: First Motor Truck for Agriculture Hauling Introduced

Dan Agri-Business, American Agriculture History Minute, Exports/Imports, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. Machinery, livestock, and crops have always been needed to be moved around the farm or to market. Two-wheel carts suffice for early settlers. Soon four-wheeled wagons became the norm and were universally used for two centuries. Now it’s impossible, historians say, to pin down the first motor truck. But the first …


American Agriculture History Minute: Advancement of Soybeans

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. Soybeans were not widely cultivated in the U.S. until the early 1930s, but by 1942, the U.S. became the world’s largest soybean producer. Due, in part, to World War II and the need for fats, oils, and soybean meal. Between 1930 and 1942, the U.S. share of world soybean production grew …

American Agriculture History

American Agriculture History Minute: First Grain Powered Grain Elevator Developed

Dan Agri-Business, American Agriculture History Minute, Corn, Field Crops, This Land of Ours, Wheat

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. Joseph Dart is part of American agriculture history. Though born in Connecticut, he soon moved to Buffalo, New York and it was there he conceived of a machine powered grain elevator and in 1842 put one into service, the first in America. Known as Dart’s elevator, other grain elevators were later …

American Agriculture

American Agriculture History Minute: Conservation to Control Flood Waters Begins

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, Conservation, Environment, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute. In 1885, Harriet Strong made a study about the shortage of water in Nevada, including control of floodwaters and water storage. She advocated conservation as a flood remedy, proposing a succession of dams to conserve the water for irrigation purposes and the generation of electricity. In 1887, she was granted a …