Insect Infestation: Georgia Cotton Growers Should Be Wary of Stinkbugs

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson Georgia’s cotton producers should be on high alert for stinkbug pressure. Infestations could wreak havoc on the state’s crop. Phillip Roberts, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton entomologist, cautioned growers at the recent Georgia Cotton Commission meeting about the insect’s lingering presence in cotton fields. “As we enter bloom, stinkbugs and other boll-feeding bugs become a primary …


Cotton Condition Improving, Peanuts Ahead of Pace

Dan Commodities, Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts, USDA-NASS

Rain in some of the major cotton growing areas has helped the overall crop. According to USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey, the condition of the cotton crop is improving. And Rippey has the latest on the peanut crop. According to the USDA National Agricultural Statics Service (NASS), this is how the cotton and peanut crops were progressing across the Southeast as of this past Sunday: In …


UGA Extension Advises Cotton Growers About Aphid Management

Dan Cotton, Field Crops, Georgia, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC), Pest/Pest Control

The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension Cotton Team advise growers about aphid management this time of year. Phillip Roberts, UGA Extension entomologist, provided a pest patrol update and said initial reports of the aphid fungus were observed last week. The reports were limited to spots of fields, located southwest of Tifton, where some fungus, or gray, …

cotton crop

Cotton Condition Declining, Peanuts Improving

Dan Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts, USDA-NASS

The summer heat is starting to take a toll on the nation’s cotton crop, while here in the Southeast, we did see an improvement in the peanut crop. USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey explains why the cotton conditions are declining.  And Rippey also has the latest on the peanut crop, which did see an improvement this past week.  According to the USDA National Agricultural …


Tracking Various Agricultural Commodities

Dan Cattle, Commodities, Cotton, Economy, Field Crops, Orange Juice, Pork, Soybeans, Wheat

The markets have been a but quieter this week, mostly due to the fact they will be closed Thursday for the 4th of July holiday. So, Mark Oppold takes time to look back at how some of the agricultural commodities have performed the first half of this year. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst …

cotton acreage

NASS Releases the Monthly Cotton Acreage Report

Dan Cotton, Field Crops, USDA-NASS

Cotton growers planted 11.7 million acres in 2024, up 14 percent from last year. Upland area is estimated at 11.5 million acres, up 14 percent from 2023. Compared with last year, Upland planted area increased in 12 of the 17 major cotton-producing States. Nationwide, 94 percent of the cotton crop was planted by June 23, one percent ahead of the previous year but 2 percent behind the 5?year …


Corn Acreage Down, Soybean and Cotton Acres Up

Dan Agri-Business, Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Soybeans, USDA-NASS, Wheat

According to new estimates from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), farmers this year planted 91.5 million acres of corn in the U.S., down 3% from last year. Soybean area planted is estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3% from last year, while all cotton planted is estimated at 11.7 million acres, 14% above 2023.  Following up on the Prospective Plantings report released in March, NASS …

field research

New Format for Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Research Days

Dan Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts, Research, Sunbelt Ag Expo

The Sunbelt Ag Expo has announced they will be showcasing their field research in a new format that will actually span over a two-week period. The 2024 Field Research Days are scheduled for July 10-24, and farmers are invited to stop by at their convenience during this two-week period. During the self-guided driving tour of the Darrell Williams Research Farm located at the Expo …