HLB Conference Kicks Off – Bayer CropScience Sponsors Cov’ge

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, General, International

HLB Conference Coverage Sponsored by: With the theme “Reaching Beyond Boundaries” the International Research Conference on Huanglongbing (HLB) is kicking off this morning here at the Carribe Royale Resort in Orlando. Nearly 400 researchers and citrus industry leaders from 26 countries are on hand for opening remarks from Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks. Florida Citrus Mutual, as primary host …

HLB, “Citrus Greening Disease” Around the World: India Report

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

As citrus scientists from around the world gather this week in Orlando to specifically discuss and update each other on research progress into citrus greening, or HLB, University of Florida scientists have been busy already studying different situations internationally. In this report, plant pathologist Ron Brlansky from UF’s Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred discusses HLB in India …

China Conference A Good Prelude for Citrus HLB Conf in Orlando

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

As the worldwide citrus community gears up for next week’s big global gathering of scientists involved in Huanglongbing (HLB) research, the citrus tree disease also known to many as “citrus greening”, many of the same researchers are recently back from a huge global citrus research conference in China that focused on the entire scope of citrus studies going on around …

Citrus Commissioners Target “Free Riders” for Participation

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

In this report, comments from Florida Department of Citrus Executive Director Ken Keck about recent actions by the Citrus Commission to move the ball forward in terms of dealing with the so-called “free rider” issue where growers of citrus in other states and countries do not participate in funding of research and marketing programs like Florida growers do. Some recent …

Citrus News & Thanksgiving – Thanks for the Research Help!

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

Even with all the challenges in citrus right now there is still lots to give thanks for. In these two special features airing on the network Thanksgiving Day, we speak with two long-time citrus researchers at University of Florida’s Citrus Research and Education Center about the importance of research assistance provided by scores of doctorate and post-doctorate students at the …

Next Round of 205 Citrus Research Proposals on the Table

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

Grower Peter McClure, as chairman of the Citrus Production Research Advisory Council, known to many as the “Box Tax Council”, has been very involved in helping keep research funding decisions focused on what growers need the most, the fastest. In these reports, McClure offers an update on the latest 205 proposals now on the table, and when decisions will be …

Citrus Researchers Gather In China – Prep for Big HLB Mtg in FL

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, General, International

In this report, Dr Harold Browning, Director of UF’s Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred, FL discusses the recent global gathering of citrus research scientists in China where Florida was well represented. The China gathering included review and discussions about the full scope of citrus research underway around the world. Browning and his team are also very involved …

Citrus Canker Protocol Changes for Shipping Fresh Fruit Clarified

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

In this report, details about recent rule changes affecting citrus growers with fruit destined for the European Union. Richard Kinney with the Florida Citrus Packers Association says his members sought the rule, and explains these slight changes to the packing and shipping protocols are already in place. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst …

Citrus “Free Riders” May Be Getting Closer to Funding Participation

Gary Cooper Citrus, Florida, International

In this report, AgNet’s Ernie Neff brings us up to date on the latest attempts to resolve the “free rider” issue, so called because imported orange juice gets benefits from Department of Citrus promotions and research without participating in the funding process for those efforts. Also at the start of this report, a reminder about the “Posters and Pastries” citrus …

Citrus Tax Options Continue To Stir Discussion

Gary Cooper Citrus, Citrus Expo News, Florida, International

Recent discussions among industry and grower leaders trying to move forward to solve the so-called “free-rider” issue continue to bring new options to the table. In this report, Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Ben Albritton Jr discusses the main options on the table right now and in his words the different angles of each to consider. Albritton says it is growing …