Deformed Frogs

Dan Agri View

These began showing up about ten years ago, and Everett Griner tells us what is suspected of causing this abnormality.  Everett also gives us some statistics about this and just what might be causing some of this problem.  Report (1:00 mp3)

Prices with Supply and Demand

Dan Agri View

There is a faint hope for consumers.  Some think that the cost will level off in the dairy prices, but, Everett Griner talks to us today about this telling us just what the costs might be.  Imagine!  Everett gives us some good advice too.  Report (1:00 mp3)

Dealing with Soybean Rust

Dan Agri View

There are two solutions being worked on right now about this, and Everett Griner tells us today about them and just where the disease is.  Report (1:00 mp3)

Credit or Criticize

Dan Agri View

What happened in the Dept. of Agriculture under Mike Johanns?  Everett Griner tells us some of the good things and just what Mr. Johanns accomplished.  Report (1:00 mp3)

A Solution for Two Problems

Dan Agri View

In today’s Agri-View, Everett Griner discusses mechanization in American agriculture and its potential for replacing workers altogether.   Report (1:00 mp3)

Solving a Mystery

Dan Agri View

Everett Griner is working on a mystery.  He has asked several supermarket managers but they had no answers.  Hear all about it in this Agri-View.  Report (1:00 mp3)

Ethanol and the Short Supply of Wheat

Dan Agri View

All of the talk has been about corn, and while there is no shortage of corn, there is of wheat.  Today Everett Griner explains why this is and what plans are underway to correct it.  He also tells us what consumers have to look forward to in the future with this dilemma.  Report (1:00 mp3)

Development of Organic Agriculture

Dan Agri View

This is the fastest growing segment of agriculture.  There is a problem with it though, and, Everett Griner talks to us today about this.  It is interesting the statistics he gives us and some of the ways we need to go with it.  Report (1:00 mp3)