cotton acreage

NASS Releases the Monthly Cotton Acreage Report

Dan Cotton, Field Crops, USDA-NASS

cotton acreage
Young cottoin field
Image by Balefire9/DepositPhotos

Cotton growers planted 11.7 million acres in 2024, up 14 percent from last year. Upland area is estimated at 11.5 million acres, up 14 percent from 2023. Compared with last year, Upland planted area increased in 12 of the 17 major cotton-producing States.

Nationwide, 94 percent of the cotton crop was planted by June 23, one percent ahead of the previous year but 2 percent behind the 5?year average. Thirty percent of the Nation’s cotton acreage had reached the squaring stage, five percent ahead of last year and 2 percent ahead of the 5?year average.  Fifty?six percent of the 2024 cotton acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, 2 percent above the previous week and 7 percent above the previous year. Cotton growers in Georgia planted an estimated 1.1 million acres, down 1 percent from 2023. Alabama forecasts an 18 percent increase in planting this year at 450,000 acres of cotton. In Florida cotton planted is estimated at 90,000 acres, a 1 percent increase from the previous season.