Here’s a quick reminder that Sunday, May 26th is the deadline that the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will accept proposals through its Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI). They are investing up to $22 million in partnerships to expand access to conservation technical assistance for livestock producers and increase the use of conservation practices on grazing lands. Project proposals for GLCI Cooperative Agreements will identify and address barriers to accessing grazing assistance for producers.
Through GLCI, NRCS will use partnerships to increase technical assistance for farmers and ranchers engaged in grazing activities. This will increase knowledge and expertise in working with underserved producers to increase their participation in new and existing grazing coalitions. GLCI aims to expand and establish new peer-to-peer networks for grazers and direct financial support for mentors working with new, beginning or transitioning grazers.
For more information and how to apply, visit the funding opportunity on grants.gov.