Cotton planting is picking up across the belt, and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at the latest numbers.
According to the USDA National Agricultural Statics Service (NASS), this is where cotton and peanut planting progress across the Southeast stood as of this past Sunday:
In Alabama cotton planted was 8 percent, which compares to 13 percent at this time last year, while the 5-year average is 10 percent. Peanut planting was at 4 percent, which compares to 10 percent last year and the 5-year average is 8 percent.
In Florida cotton planted was at 6 percent. Last year at this time it was at 4 percent while the 5-year average is 5 percent. Peanut planting was at 23 percent, which compares to 23 percent last year and the 5-year average is 22 percent.
In Georgia cotton planted was at 10 percent. Last year at this time it was at 7 percent while the 5-year average is 9 percent. Peanut planting was at 9 percent, which compares to 5 percent last year and the 5-year average is 7 percent.