UGA Cotton Agronomist: Dial Planter in Now Ahead of Planting Season

Dan Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)


Planting season is just around the corner for Georgia cotton producers. The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension Cotton Team remind growers about the importance of using this time to ensure their planters are properly configured.

Camp Hand
UGA Extension Cotton Agronomist

It is especially important for growers who produce multiple row crops, says Camp Hand, University of Georgia Extension cotton agronomist.

“Another thing that I’d be thinking about, especially if I’m a corn man, if I got corn in the rotation, dial your planter in and work out all of the kinks on that, so that by the time you get to cotton, you’ve got those issues fixed. There’s a good planter checklist that Dr. (Wes) Porter and Dr. (Simer) Virk have developed. I share it a lot this time of year, just making sure that everything is ready to go,” Hand said. “There’s a lot that we can’t control. We need to control the things that we can, which one of them is the performance of that planter. Control the things that you can so that you’re setting yourself up for success.”

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.