Georgia Peanut Commission Celebrating National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

Clint Thompson Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC)

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

By Clint Thompson

The Georgia Peanut Commission is celebrating National Peanut Butter Lovers Month this November. Joy Crosby, assistant executive director of the commission, discussed how her organization continues to celebrate and promote Georgia peanuts.

“The Georgia Peanut Commission has been coordinating a variety of promotions throughout television markets and social media to highlight National Peanut Butter Lovers Month and the importance of including peanut butter in your diet,” Crosby said.


One way the commission is celebrating is through the VeryVera Show, a cooking-based show in Augusta that reaches 24 million households in 18 states.

“The host highlights a variety of recipes which use peanut butter as the main ingredient in an episode that already aired the first weekend in November. She’s also including other recipes including peanuts and peanut butter on her social media and in her recipe of the month newsletter,” Crosby said.

The Georgia Peanut Commission also continues its partnerships with television markets in Albany and Savannah, which highlight peanut farmers through the “Proud to be a Georgia Farmer” series. The commission is also highlighting nutritional facts and recipes of peanuts on its social media pages.

The National Peanut Board just announced an increase of peanut butter consumption that is sparking the commission’s reason to celebrate this month.

“November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month. We’re really excited that we’ve had some high consumption and combined with menu versatility, it just gives us two great reasons to celebrate,” Crosby said. “Per capita consumption of peanut butter reached an unprecedented 4.4 pounds in 2023, according to recent data from the USDA and the U.S. Census Bureau.”

Total peanut per capita consumption remains stable at 7.7 pounds.

Source: National Peanut Board