NMPF Regulatory Work Registers with Influential Audience

Dan Dairy, Legislative, National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF)

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

It may be one of most-hidden secrets for National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) members. NMPF’s influential quarterly publication that puts dairy’s side of the story before the government and regulatory experts who directly influence dairy policy. But it’s a secret that’s hiding in plain sight, as the Regulatory Register is a critical part of NMPF’s regulatory work. During this week’s Dairy Defined Podcast, the organization’s regulatory team talked about the critical work they’re doing for dairy.

One of the team members, NMPF’s Chief Science Officer Jamie Jonker, explains what this publication is all about.

Another team member, Senior Vice President for Regulatory Affairs and NMPF Chief Counsel Clay Detlefsen, talks about one of the big issues they are working on.

The full podcast can be found on the NMPF website.