World Dairy Expo to Host a Dairy Symposium

Dan Dairy, Education

World Dairy Expo

World Dairy Expo will host a Dairy Symposium featuring the Dairy Business Innovation (DBI) Initiatives from across the country on October 3, 2023.

The DBI Initiatives were established in the 2018 Farm Bill. The four regional DBI Initiatives provide direct technical assistance and sub-awards to dairy businesses to develop, produce, market, and distribute dairy products.

The Dairy Symposium at World Dairy Expo will include a presentation by each of the DBI Initiatives about their regional efforts. Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Secretary Randy Romanski will provide the welcome address.


The Dairy Symposium will feature a panel that includes a representative from each of the DBI Initiatives. These panelists will share how the DBI Initiatives have positively influenced their own farm, business, research, and careers. There will be time for the panelists to respond to questions.

The Dairy Symposium will conclude with an opportunity to network with each of the DBI Initiatives. The four DBI Initiatives are the Pacific Coast Coalition Dairy Business Innovation Initiative (California), Southeast Dairy Business Innovation Initiative (Tennessee), Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (Vermont), and Dairy Business Innovation Alliance (Wisconsin).

The Dairy Symposium is free to attend with paid admission to World Dairy Expo, and registration is underway for this historic event.