Turkey Production Up, Prices Down

Dan Commodities, Economy, Poultry, This Land of Ours, USDA

Instead of Christmas in July, how about Thanksgiving in July? That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.


Forecasts for turkey production are up. Price forecasts are down. Gary Crawford reports.

I noticed a number of radio stations and TV channels are doing Christmas in July programming so I decided to try Thanksgiving in July taking a look at that July favorite Turkey. And according to the latest Agriculture Department forecast it looks like supplies of this festive fall will be larger than expected both this year and next. The USDA is outlook board chairman is Mark Jekanowski. He says Turkey producers are boosting production this year.

“They will likely do it again next year with these higher supplies. Prices have actually been trending a bit lower,” Jekanowski said.


In fact, USDA just lopped more than four cents off of its 2023 wholesale price forecast now at almost $1.64 A pound and for 2024 prices could average a little bit less than that, making it easier for grocery stores to run specials on Turkey for the holidays.

Gary Crawford

Gary Crawford reporting for the US Department of Agriculture.

Listen to Sabrina Halvorson’s and Gary Crawford’s This Land Of Ours program here.

Turkey Production Up, Prices Down