Animal Health Webinar Set for July 11

Dan American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), Education, Sheep-Goats

Photo by Sam Carter on Unsplash

The second installment of the American Sheep Industry Association’s (ASI’s) animal health webinar is scheduled for July 11. It starts at 8 p.m. eastern and is called, Animal Health Management: How Partnerships Can Solve Big Problems. It will take a look at the National Scrapie Eradication Program.

Through partnerships and hard work, sheep producers, state and federal governments, and animal health researchers created and implemented the National Scrapie Eradication Program, which has allowed the American sheep industry to nearly eradicate the disease here in the U.S.


Webinar agenda:

  • First Came Scrapie: A Big Problem With Few Tools To Help – Dr. Linda Detwiler, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
  • Then Came BSE: Negotiated Rulemaking and the Accelerated Scrapie Eradication Program – Paul Rodgers and Dr. Jim Logan.
  • Scrapie in Real Life: The Producer Perspective – Erik Mrozinski.
  • Where We are Today – Dr. Stephanie Ringler, USDA (invited).

The webinar is made possible with funding support from the ASI and a cooperative agreement from USDA/APHIS.

To learn more, click here.