The National Grazing Lands Coalition wants to remind producers and landowners that the 2023 Mini Grant Application deadline is January 6, 2023.
The Coalition’s mission is to promote ecologically and economically sound management of private grazing lands for all their adapted uses and multiple benefits to society. They recognize grazing lands as a major source of watershed filtration, ground water recharge, and carbon sequestration, providing improved soil, water, and air quality. So, the purpose of these grants are to facilitate things like:
- Establishment of conservation partnerships, leadership and outreach.
- Education of grazing land managers, professionals, youth and the public, through grazing conferences.
- Improvement in the understanding of the values and multiple services that grazing lands provide small acreage operations and tribal operations.
Projects funded by these grants must relate to grazing lands sustainability or Climate Smart Agriculture and include at least one of the following components: conservation planning, workshops, or conferences.
For a grant application, go to the National Grazing Lands Coalition website.