USDA to Survey Cattle, Sheep and Goat Operations

Dan Beef, Cattle, Livestock, Sheep-Goats, USDA-NASS

In January, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey about 40,000 cattle operations nationwide to provide an up-to-date measure of U.S. cattle inventories.

During the first two weeks of January, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina producers will have the opportunity to report their beef and dairy cattle inventories, calf crop, death loss and cattle on feed information.

“This information helps producers make timely, informed business decisions and plan for herd expansion or reduction. It also helps packers and government leaders evaluate expected slaughter volume for future months and determine potential supplies for export,” said Southern Regional Director Anthony Prillaman. “Obtaining the current count of cattle will serve as an important decision-making tool for the entire agriculture industry.”


And starting in late December, NASS will measure sheep and goat inventories and wool and mohair production through a nationwide survey. Producers surveyed will be asked to provide information about their sheep and goat inventories, counts of lambs and kids born during 2022, and production and prices received for wool and mohair. About 1,700 operations will be contacted in the Southeast requesting their responses to the survey.

“Interest in sheep and goat data continues to grow with increased diversification in agriculture and consumer demands,” said Prillaman. “Accurate data on sheep and goat inventory and production is a significant decision-making tool for USDA and the industry to be more responsive to domestic and international markets and consumer needs. The information can also help create public appreciation for the many benefits of U.S. sheep and goats and their needed products,” he added.

To make it as easy as possible for producers to participate in both surveys, NASS offers the option of responding online, by telephone or by mail. The results of these surveys will be available in aggregate form only, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified, as required by federal law.

NASS will publish the results of the surveys January 31, 2023. These and all NASS reports are available online.