Beef Sustainability Campaign Reaches 96 Million Consumers

Dan Beef, Cattle, This Land of Ours


A Beef Checkoff-funded campaign called, “Rethink the Ranch,” was executed by Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. It introduced the public to beef producers who make science-driven decisions to keep their herds, environment and businesses healthy enough to pass on to the next generation. The campaign increased consumer confidence in beef and beef production by inviting consumers to learn more about how beef producers care for the land, their animals and their local communities.

The Beef Checkoff conducted extensive market research in the spring of 2021 to fully understand consumer perceptions around how beef producers care for the land and what key topics would resonate most with that audience.


Some of the key findings from that research include:

Roughly half of consumers say they care about beef’s impact on the land and environment or change their behaviors to encourage it. However, factors like taste, safety, appearance and price are still more important considerations when making a meal choice.

Almost half of consumers already have a positive perception of beef production. However, the beef industry is still perceived as less sustainable than other food industries.

Animal welfare, by far, was the most important topic to address with consumers when it comes to beef and how cattle are raised.

The Beef Checkoff-funded campaign came to life across YouTube, social media platforms, influencer efforts, radio, ConnectTV and more. Click here for information about their efforts of working to communicate responsible beef production practices.

Listen to Randall Weiseman’s This Land of Ours program here.

Beef Sustainability Campaign Reaches 96 Million Consumers