Ag Groups Sue EPA Over Chlorpyrifos

Dan Environment


A group of U.S. agricultural organizations had filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency over chlorpyrifos. DTN says the 21 groups want the agency’s pending ban on the product to be halted and eventually revoked.

The lawsuit was filed as the EPA will finalize its rule revoking the food tolerances for the insecticide on February 28. That will effectively ban U.S. farmers from legally using the product. The rule was issued by the Biden EPA in August 2021.


The ag groups filed a series of petitions asking the judge to issue a stay halting the EPA’s pending ban until the lawsuit can be reviewed. The lawsuit itself asks the judge to vacate the EPA’s rule revoking food residue tolerances based on the harm to agriculture and the EPA’s history of re-registering and approving the insecticide.

This is the second attempt by ag groups to halt the EPA’s final rule banning chlorpyrifos.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)