Some ways to make all of those autumn leaves work for your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

This time of year, if you have a yard with trees, you likely have your fair share of fallen leaves. And, no matter how often you rake, there is always a layer of leaves covering your lawn. There are a number of ways you can make the most of this wonderful resource.
A good compost mix needs a mix of green and brown material. Layer your compost bin with a generous layer of leaves then a layer of green matter such as grass clipping, garden weeds, or kitchen scraps. You could also use leaves to mulch your garden beds. And, they can help to keep less hardy plants a little warmer on frosty nights.
Leaves are extremely rich in nutrients and are a great fertilizer for your lawn.
You could leave your leaves for many pollinators that rely on leaf matter for warmth and protection during harsh winters. Animals such as chipmunks, box turtles, toads, and shrews also use leaf litter as their primary habitat.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.