Some of the best flowering plants to brighten up the winter months. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

You can have flowers in your garden, even through the winter. Camellias are a popular landscape plant you can keep the show going from winter to spring by planting varieties with different bloom times. Witch Hazel, known for its fragrant yellow flowers that have crinkled ribbon-shaped petals will bloom through December. Same for its close relative Winter Hazel, an easy-care, slow-growing shrub. Its tiny blooms hang in tassels from leafless branches in late winter. Also known as Lenten rose, Christmas rose blooms in early winter in mild climates and early spring where winters are cold. Its cup-shape flowers have overlapping petals and bloom in shades of white, pink, red, purple, and yellow. You’ll be rewarded with masses of bell-like flowers in late winter when growing winter heath. This low-maintenance groundcover plant is tolerant of cold temperatures, snow, and harsh winds. There are dozens of varieties available in white, pink, red, and purple.
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