Biggest Benefits of Growing Zucchini Vertically

Dan Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

How to grow Zucchini vertically. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. 

Zucchini Vertically

One of the biggest benefits of growing Zucchini vertically, is that it makes it much easier to weed your plants. It can also save a lot of space, which is important if you’re limited to a small area in your yard or patio.

First, you’ll need to figure out a trellis to grow Zucchini vertically. Whether it’s a balcony railing, tomato cage, or an A-Frame. Just make sure it’s in the perfect spot to receive full sun.

Then, choose a compact bush variety that’s designed to grow in a more contained form. Such as Gold Rush, Sungreen, Raven, or Bush Baby.


The main difference between growing zucchini vertically and growing it horizontally is that depending on the system you use to support your zucchini plants, you may need to plant it in a seed starting mix and a container instead of directly in the ground.

Once your harvest begins, be sure to check daily since squash plants are notorious for getting out of hand quickly.

You don’t have to limit yourself to just zucchini, either. All kinds of plants can be grown vertically, including other summer squashes, cucumbers, beans, and much, much more.

Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.

Biggest Benefits of Growing Zucchini Vertically