Possible Hurricane Impact on Cotton Crop

Dan Cotton, Weather


When Hurricane Ida hit this past weekend, it was just as crop reporting for the past week was being collected. So, it’s hard to say what impact the storm will have on crops like cotton.

That was USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey, who has the latest numbers concerning the opening of bolls.

And Rippey runs through the cotton condition numbers that were collected prior to the arrival of Ida.

In Alabama, 10 percent of the cotton crop saw bolls opening, which compares to 17 percent last year and 28 percent is the 5-year average.

In Florida, 16 percent of the cotton crop saw bolls opening, which compares to 21 percent last year and 24 percent is the 5-year average.

In Georgia, 22 percent of the cotton crop saw bolls opening, which compares to 22 percent last year and 27 percent is the 5-year average.

Rippey also has the latest look at conditions for the nation’s peanut crop.