Rep. Scott Working to Bridge the Rural Divide

Dan High-Speed Internet/Broadband, Legislative, Technology

Last month, the U.S. House Agriculture Committee unanimously advanced a bipartisan bill that authorizes $43 billion to expand rural broadband service nationwide. The Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America Act would authorize $4.5 billion in annual funding, starting in fiscal year 2022. This has been a priority for Rep. David Scott (GA-13), Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. He talks about the rural divide we still have across the country due to the lack of reliable high-speed internet in rural areas.

Rep. Scott Working to Bridge the Rural Divide

The Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America Act would authorize eight years of funding for broadband infrastructure, mapping, technical help, distance learning and telemedicine, revamp the Broadband Reconnect Program, and join other broadband efforts, including over $900 million in the FY ’22 USDA spending bill.