Tips for Removing Deep Rooted Shrubs from the Garden

Dan This Land of Ours

How to remove deep rooted shrubs from your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.


If you’re looking to give your landscape a new look, you may need to start with removing tired and worn plants, shrubs, and trees.

To remove shrubs, begin with a pair of loppers to cut away branches and any large roots visible to the eye. As you get down to the soil, use a pick mattock to help “hack out” the web beneath the surface. Continue to cut the root system as it becomes more accessible. Be careful not to simply pull and tug, which can strain your back. For unrelenting roots, the “Come-Along” tool is recommended. It allows you to use the support of a tree during the extraction process. As for unearthing simple plants, use a sharp shovel, such as a “spade” to dig up the roots.

If you choose to apply root killer, use it sparingly and wear protective gear. Root killer is systemic and needs time to work. Its best suited for invasive species and works especially well in warm climates, where plants metabolize faster. Otherwise, it will take about two weeks for the root killer to reach the plant’s base.

Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.

Tips for Removing Deep Rooted Shrubs from the Garden