“Stewardship – Catch the Wave” is the theme of the Eighth National Grazing Lands Conference (8NGLC) and you are invited to participate in the conference hosted by the National Grazing Lands Coalition (NatGLC) and other sponsoring organizations.
The conference provides an open discussion and exchange of information, technology transfer, identification of research and program needs, marketing of products, services, and other benefits of grazing. There will be opportunities for symposiums, forums, workshops, oral and poster presentations.
And the deadline to tell your land stewardship story has been extended, as the paper/stories submission deadline is now Friday, June 11, 2021. Paper/Stories submitted should be 400 words or less and include a description of the presentation. All accepted oral papers/stories will be part of the electronic history of the conference that will be archived on the NatGLC webpage.
The conference’s purpose will serve to heighten the economic and environmental awareness of beneficial grazing lands. The target audience includes producers, academia, consumers, government agencies, conservationists, environmentalists, urban based resource interests, grazing land managers, landowners, and others interested in effective and sustainable natural resources management systems.
It will take place at the Embassy Suites – Kingston Plantation Resort in Myrtle Beach in December 2021. To learn more about the conference and how to submit papers/stories, click here.