Georgia Peanut Commission: Fitting Time to Make Extra Donation

Clint Thompson Georgia, Peanuts

Photo by Georgia Peanut Commission

The donation of more than 50,000 jars of peanut butter to Georgia food banks by the Georgia Peanut Commission will help those in need during COVID-19, according to Assistant Executive Director Joy Crosby.

Joy Crosby

“The Georgia peanut farmers are proud to partner with the Food Bank Association in Georgia and also through Peanut Proud, which is the peanut industry’s humanitarian relief organization. Through that we annually make donations during March to celebrate National Peanut Month,” Crosby said. “This year the Georgia Peanut Commission just wanted to do a little extra just because of the past year. Everyone knows how 2020 was with COVID and continuing on into 2021. We knew that people were hurting. Our neighbors were hurting. Food banks needed more support. We thought it was a fitting time to make an extra donation.”

Though a partnership with the Georgia Food Bank Association, farmers are donating an additional 50,400 jars of peanut butter to America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia, Feeding the Valley Food Bank, the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia, Golden Harvest Food Bank, and Middle Georgia Community Food Bank. This followed a donation of 20,160 jars of peanut butter that was distributed to the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Second Harvest of South Georgia in March.

The Georgia Food Bank Association is comprised of seven Feeding America affiliated food banks that serve 133 counties in Georgia.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.