Kids’ Gardening Projects

Clint Thompson General

Today, Cathy Isom passes along information about gardening projects that kids will love.

If you want to get the kids involved in gardening there are a ton of projects they can do and will love.

One example, is taking that old plastic turtle shaped sandbox and repurposing it into a kid-friendly garden bed. Plant things that kids will love to eat, and use handmade signs to label each plant.

Another idea is to create your own pizza garden. Plant a pizza-shaped garden with tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and other favorite toppings occupying each “slice.” Another way to get the kids involved is by building a Ladybug Hotel. Similar to a birdhouse, kids can create a home from scraps you may have around that house. Something that will not only attract Lady bugs but other beneficial insects such as praying mantis, earwigs and bees. Kids can also get involved in the planting process by recycling egg shells. These are great for starting seeds and then later transplanting them into pots or directly in the garden.