Crop Progress Across the Southeast

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia


The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) recently started issuing its weekly crop progress reports. For the week that ended April 18, NASS reports in Alabama, there were 4.7 days suitable for fieldwork; in Florida 6.3 days; while in Georgia, there were 6.1 days..

Corn planted in Alabama was at 60%, which compares to 59% last year and the 5-year average of 62%. In Georgia, corn planted as of this past Sunday was at 82%, which compares to 84% both last year and the 5-year average.

Cotton planting in Alabama was only at 2%. Last year at the same time it was at 4% and the 5-year average of 2%. Cotton planted in Georgia was at 5%, which compares to 4 percent last year, and 3% is the 5-year average. In Florida, NASS reports no cotton had been planted as of April 18 in Florida.

Peanut planting in Alabama had not begun yet, which compares to 1% for both last year and the 5-year average. Peanuts planted in Florida were at 11%, which compares to 12% last year and the 5-year average of 10%. In Georgia, peanuts planted were 1%, which compares to 1% last year and the 5-year average. 

In Florida, NASS notes all citrus counties were relatively dry during the reporting week until the weekend. Rainfall over the weekend was heaviest in the northern area and portions of the western citrus growing area. According to the April 15, 2021, U.S. Drought Monitor, a majority of the citrus region experienced abnormally dry conditions, with parts of Collier and Hendry counties experiencing moderate drought conditions. Valencia orange harvest is in full swing. Processing of late-season oranges should continue until mid-May. Grapefruit and mandarin harvest is about over for the season.

In Alabama, NASS reports the cold snap in the beginning of April caused delays in pasture grass growth in northern counties. In southern counties, winter grazing was still growing. 

In Georgia, NASS reports livestock and pastures were generally in good condition throughout the state. Pastures were fertilized and herbicides were applied.

To see more from the latest report go to