Influencers Push OJ Sales

Dan Citrus, Economy, Orange Juice

In a recent message to members of the Florida citrus industry, Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson focused on the role of social media influencers in promoting Florida orange juice.

A partnership with influencer Derek Campanile of Dad With a Pan is helping to promote Florida orange juice.

Johnson stated that partnerships with influencers on social media and in traditional media comprise what he called “a critical component” of the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) e-commerce marketing campaign. The Citrus Commission is the FDOC’s governing board.

“This year, the FDOC partnered with a diverse range of 15 influencers with large followings on social media platforms and blogs,” Johnson reported. “These influencers include moms, dads and health professionals focused on sharing lifestyle tips, nutrition information and recipes. In recent months, partnerships have focused on winter wellness, highlighting Florida orange juice’s role in supporting a healthy immune system and brightening up winter. The FDOC, along with partner agency Edible, work one-on-one with each influencer to ensure specific messaging is incorporated into the posts and is tailored to fit each influencer’s style.”


As a recent example of an influencer’s work, Johnson cited a blog and social media post shared by Palek Patel of the Chutney Life. Palek has 133,000 followers on Instagram, where she shares Indian-inspired recipes and her life as the mom of a toddler. She shared a post on how …..

Learn more about how Influencers Push OJ Sales on Citrus Industry website.